Saturday, March 12, 2011

Natural Stone Flooring is the Sustainable Choice For Your Home

Stone flooring is now available in a variety of textures and colors, and has a built-in durability and suitability for different conditions. When choosing flooring materials you should consider this: the natural stone floor is the only material that actually increased from time to time. It will last forever. That's why pre-historic house floor can still look surprisingly modern. Stone from the stone floor can be divided into three basic types: sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic. Travertine and limestone are examples of sedimentary rocks, granite is an example of igneous rock, and slate and marble are examples of metamorphic rock.

There are several options that have a quality hard flooring wear better than a stone. Over time it will acquire its own patina adds different characteristics that can only be found on the floor made of natural stone. It's easy to keep clean and depending on your choice, it is stylish and modern looking as any other type of flooring. natural stone floor is not a new idea. From pre-historic buildings can be found who has carefully laid the flat stone slabs on the ground to provide a stable floor well. The principle of this day little changed, although now we have a much greater choice for stone tiles are produced commercially.

The floor is made of real stone does not have to rough. In fact, it does not really have to look like our idea of ​​a rock at all. It can be polished to a high shine finish, or continue to let the texture of matte to shine. It can be dark or even black, or colored light, or even anything in between. Maintenance of floors made of natural stone is easy and problem free. This must be sealed to maintain integrity, but once done cleaning easy. A good sealant will also help to prevent staining, should not alter the natural color in any way, and it will help to prolong the useful life of the floor.

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